Business Consulting, Coaching, and Strategic Planning

Pointing Your Company in the Right Direction

Unlock the path to success with Compass Business Consulting! With Mark’s expertise in business consulting, business coaching, and strategic planning – tailored to address your unique challenges and goals – you can intentionally point your company in the direction that gets you where you want to be.
Four metal compass buttons on a black background for home decor.

Compass Business Consulting: Your Growth Partner

Steer Clear, Aim High: Get Your Company on the Right Track!

Business growth typically doesn’t just happen by itself. Sometimes, luck plays its part, but real growth – repeatable, predictable, and scalable growth? That comes from hard work, teamwork across functions, careful planning, and intentional execution of that plan. Andy Stanley’s words in “The Principle of the Path” resonate with me: “Direction – not intention – determines destination.”

It’s not about what we plan to do; it’s what we actually do that sets our direction. That’s why, at Compass Business Consulting, we’re laser-focused on guiding your business down the right path so it reaches its desired destination. Want your business on the right path? Let’s talk!

A group of business people having a meeting in a conference room at home.
Mark Norris

Strategic planning coach, self-motivation workshop leader, keynote speaker, CEO coach, and author.

Business Coaching and Consulting Strategies

The Power of Strategic Planning

Guided by a commitment to point your company in the right direction, Compass Business Consulting ensures that each solution is properly aligned with your company’s vision, mission, and goals to equip you in reaching your desired destination.
Business consulting and business coaching for high impact solutions.

Business Consulting and Coaching

High-Impact Solutions

Whether you are looking to solve specific company or team issues or are looking for a resource for more consistent strategic collaboration, Compass Business Consulting provides solutions to your company and your team that will enable you to engage, get direction, and take action!

Strategic Planning Retreat

A Deep Dive into Strategy

Beyond the confines of office walls and away from routine distractions, this retreat offers leadership teams a focused environment to brainstorm, conceptualize, and devise actionable plans.
Strategic planning retreat diving into strategy.
A wireframe of a man in a suit sitting at a table.
A green compass in a black circle.


Your Business Deserves a Guide Who's Faced Your Hurdles!

From my early days at a Fortune 50 financial powerhouse to leading an American small business success story and then diving into the fast-paced world of a private equity-owned enterprise, I’ve seen and done just about everything.

During my tenure with the Fortune 50 company, I acquired top-notch skills in financial analysis, sales, and client relationship management, making over 1,000 in-person client visits over a 15-year career as a Senior Vice President on the Risk Management/Capital Markets team.

I then served as the President of a small business success story.  Working directly with the owner and leadership team, this company achieved an average of 18% growth annually for 14 years, resulting in total growth over that timeframe of 1,350%. Our success wasn’t just in numbers; our company’s rich culture and the unmistakably healthy way in which our leadership team functioned was our pride. We clinched a Top Workplace award for 7 consecutive years, sweeping accolades in Employee Appreciation, Direction, and Management. Here, I facilitated 36 quarterly offsite retreats as I truly grasped the essence of strategic growth and scaling.

When that company was eventually acquired by a mission-driven private equity firm, I wore many hats over 4 years, including that of South Region Market President and as a member of the Integration team, where my primary efforts were focused on seamlessly integrating newly acquired companies into the parent company.

I’m a firm believer in focus, clarity, purpose, planning, and skillful execution.

Need to set your company’s compass in the right direction? Contact me to see if my experience is a fit for your needs.

Why Compass Business Consulting?

Background and Experience

I’ve been in your shoes! Having served as the president of a fast-growing business, I have likely faced most of the issues you are trying to resolve.

Expert Guidance

Compass Business Consulting provides expert guidance for navigating the business world, dedicated to helping you find the right direction for your company.

Recognizing the uniqueness of each person and business, we offer personalized solutions aligned with your goals, objectives and values to formulate your plan, not ours.

Attention Business Leaders, CEOs, and Dynamic Teams!

Are you looking for direction for your company or your leadership team? We’ve got you covered! At Compass Business Consulting, we will help craft strategies that drive your company, or your leaders, toward specific goals. You can choose the topics, or I can dive into my reservoir, always tailoring to your leadership’s insights. As the owner or leader of a company, do any of the common business issues below resonate with you? If so, let’s talk!

A group of business team leaders talking in an office.

Unlocking Leadership Success: 3 Easy Steps!

Maybe your company has never created a strategic plan, or maybe one has been created but the implementation fell short. Contact us to discuss how Compass Business Consulting can help your company make sure you are heading in the right direction and growing with intention and purpose.

Reach out to Mark at Compass Business Consulting to discuss your company’s aspirations and challenges.

Schedule Consulting, Coaching, or Strategic Planning

Secure a date that works for you, ensuring a focused discussion aimed at identifying and addressing the needs of your company or leadership team.

Grow With Intention and Purpose

Embark on a transformative journey, leveraging Compass Business Consulting’s expertise, to lead your organization with clarity, focus, and purpose.


“As its President, Mark was the linchpin in taking my company, Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services, from a small mom and pop business to a national niche staffing organization.”
“As we grew, Mark made key decisions related to infrastructure and strategy, thus allowing that growth to continue. Those decisions helped propel us from “Good to Great” and Cobb Pediatric achieved national recognition for excellence for eight consecutive years under Mark’s leadership. He understood how to translate my vision as the owner into both short-term and long-term reality.”

June W. former owner of Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services

“Engaging Mark was the best decision we have made in a long time.”
“He has pushed us ahead and prepared us for the future far better than we could have done ourselves. I would recommend him and his services to any business that is looking for solid measurable improvements.”

Dr. Lance Walker co-owner, SiteMed North America, LLC

”Mark's passion for organizational health is unmatched.”
”In our time together on the Leadership Team at Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services, I watched his passion for the annual retreat up close, as he led us through establishing a growth plan, while continuing to honor the company's vision, mission, and core values. He has an ability to understand the dynamics of the audience to know when to linger on a topic because there is work to be done, and when to keep moving forward. We left each of our leadership retreats as better leaders, as a result of his preparation, and with the focus and clarity needed to reach our company performance goals. Not only did Mark teach us key leadership principles, but he also taught us how to teach those principles to others. The fruit of these efforts was increased market share and several Top Workplace awards, eventually attracting the attention of a larger private equity backed firm who adopted several of these legacy initiatives as their own.”

Pam S. VP of People Operations at Thomas Eye Group and former Chief Human Resources Officer at Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services

Mark led a major strategic planning session for my team.
His thorough preparation and his ability to extract the best out of all of us led to breakthroughs for my team and resulted in a highly successful strategic planning offsite.

Don F. Delta Air Lines
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Navigating Success: Compass's Ultimate Business Guide


Schedule A Call With Mark

Contact us to discuss how Compass Business Consulting can help your company make sure you are heading in the right direction and growing with intention and purpose.
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